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What legislation has Dan Helmer sponsored?

In order to stick to the trail of a certain donation, go with a GUID from the column on the left to see a list of most of the committees which accepted money from that GUID. Then, pick a GUID from the Committee column of the table below to see that particular campaign committee along with its products. Each campaign committee is linked to their campaign finance reports with the GUID like a distinctive identifier. Committees sponsored by Dan Helmer in 202. Helmer can serve as the vice chairman of the US House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade as well as on the House Science, Space, along with Technology Subcommittee on investigations and Oversight.

In 2024, Helmer’s subcommittee passed bills in order to protect customers from abusive debt collection practices to bring down costs and red tape associated with applying for a license for an unmanned aircraft- to help improve performance for a major air cargo airport- also to provide money to help with making the world’s oceans safer. Committee Assignments. Latest Major Action: Senate – Read twice as well as referred In order to the Committee on homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

(Jun 21, 2021) Introduced on May 12 202.3340: To provide disaster assistance for businesses which are small impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. Its passage made it more difficult for www.billtrack50.com the Patient Protection as well as Affordable Care Act being repealed and also defunded. The action was one of the Republican Party’s most significant legislative accomplishments in the House. Helmer voted on July thirty, 2024, for the Health care and Education Reconciliation Act. Nearly all of this specific occurred in a matter of a few months, thus by the point the insurance of mine would have helped me pay, the surgical procedure was completed and my insurance wouldn’t cover it.

I couldn’t do something about it. In the first year of the coverage of mine, I had a very severe case of pneumonia, which led to a 2,500 deductible. I in addition broke a finger, requiring surgery, that had been then labeled to the healthcare system. This brought about me to lose 25 pounds in eight weeks. I’d chronic pain, so getting through my day was hard. Helmer has shown keen interest in environmental conservation.

He introduced the’ Green Energy Act’ promoting unlimited resources as well as reducing reliance on fossil fuels, causing a healthier planet and making green jobs available. Bills Cosponsored: 12. States represented by cosponsors of this specific bill: All five. Related Committee Chairs: Not Reporting. Committee Memberships. Latest Major Action: House – Passed House with no amendment, 05/13/2.

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